Fascia gun, the full name is "muscle fascia relaxing massage gun" (most of the products are shaped like guns), it uses its internal special high-speed motor to drive the "torch head" to generate high-frequency vibration, which acts on the skin → fat → Fascia→muscle, to reduce local tissue tension, relieve pain, and promote blood circulation. In short, it is very comfortable after use.
There are thousands of fascia guns on the market, most of which use ultra-high frequency shock waves of 2000 to 3000 times per minute to transmit power to various tissues layer by layer, and finally reach deep muscles, which can effectively relax muscles and promote Blood circulation can quickly get rid of the soreness after exercise, prepare for the next training, and improve sports performance.
In general, manual massage may only relax to the shallow parts, and the fascia gun is just a motor that only vibrates without emotion.
Fascia gun, the full name is "muscle fascia relaxing massage gun" (most of the products are shaped like guns), it uses its internal special high-speed motor to drive the "torch head" to generate high-frequency vibration, which acts on the skin → fat → Fascia→muscle, to reduce local tissue tension, relieve pain, and promote blood circulation. In short, it is very comfortable after use.
There are thousands of fascia guns on the market, most of which use ultra-high frequency shock waves of 2000 to 3000 times per minute to transmit power to various tissues layer by layer, and finally reach deep muscles, which can effectively relax muscles and promote Blood circulation can quickly get rid of the soreness after exercise, prepare for the next training, and improve sports performance.
In general, manual massage may only relax to the shallow parts, and the fascia gun is just a motor that only vibrates without emotion.
Shockwave therapy principle
The shockwave therapy equipment is based on the technology of unfocused low energy radial waves, which is a kind of acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and fibrous or myoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions. This energy promotes healing, regenerating and reparative processes of the tendons and soft tissue. The unfocused low energy radial waves scientifically proved to have a large impact on collagen structure and the skin connective tissue, improving blood circulation and the metabolism of fat cells. The mechanical massage effect reduces the edema and improves the lymphatic drainage of toxins. It stimulates collagen formation, while the skin becomes more elastic and its firmness is visible after only a few treatments.
How shockwave remove cellulite?
Extracorporeal Shock Waves Therapy (ESWT), emitting like pulses and create vibrations to attack fibrous strands around fatty deposits under the skin. It is a technique of loosening and breaking the fibers and releasing of fat, water, and toxins. Simultaneously stimulate the production of very active and healthy new collagen fibers and gradually restores elasticity and strength of the skin. Through waves accelerates blood circulation and so much more oxygen and nutrients to reach these areas. The end result is a much smoother and tighter skin quickly and permanently.
Myofascial trigger point therapy on back and shoulders
Trochanteric bursitis
Periostitis / shin splints (Condition after overload)
Dupuytren's disease
Thumb basal joint arthritis / rhizarthritis
Sports injury
Myofascial trigger points
Heel spurs
Radial and ulnar epicondylitis, tennis elbow
Tendinitis of the shoulder / shoulder problems
Calcific tendinitis of the shoulder
Status post muscular injury
Patellar tendinitis
Patellar tendinopathy
Plantar fasc11tis
Erectile dysfunction
Body reshaping
Anti-cellulite treatment
Treatment of skin irregularity after liposuction
Skin elasticity improvement
Connective tissue tightening
Scar and wrinkle smoothing
Reduce stretch marks
Lymphatic system stimulation
No matter which one your choose,it is very important to choose the right vibration frequency and pay attention to the duration of use.
Not recommended for the six special groups